Tuesday 26 April 2016

Review Lagu : Kelly Clarkson - Piece by Piece

I’m back! Maaf kalo saya jarang ngepost sesuatu, College is really make my day so busy. Gausah banyak bacot, kali ini saya mau review lagu favorit saya atm, Piece by Piece nya Mrs Kelly Clarkson.
Tau American Idol? Tau dong pastinya. Tahun ini merupakan tahun terakhir buat American Idol, artinya abis season ini AI ga bakal tayang lagi! So sad, I really love this show, they always give us great artist! One of those is Kelly Clarkson, first winner of American Idol.
Beberapa minggu kemarin, Kelly sempet tampil di American Idol (babak top ten kalo gasalah, CMIIW). Kelly nyanyi versi stripped-down dari latest single, Piece by Piece. Performance ini langsung jadi omongan di  US karena penampilan Kelly yang emosional sampe nangis dan sempet pause buat nyanyi. Para penonton dan peserta AI pun sama sama mewek, even Keith Urban,the judges is crying too. After the show, lagu ini langsung loncat ke posisi no 1 di iTunes, padahal tadinya lagu ini betah ngedekem di posisi bawah. So, apa sih istimewanya lagu ini?

Well, saya  mau sok tau dan cerita sedikit nih. Jadi, childhoodnya Kelly Clarkson tuh bener bener kelam. Di umur yang ke enam ( seumuran anak Ibtidaiyah ), Ayah dan Ibu nya Kelly cerai dan Ayah ninggalin Kelly kecil tanpa sempat membangun hubungan yang baik antara anak dan bapak. Trus keluarganya bercerai berai, Abangnya ikut bapaknya ( CMIIW ), Tetehnya ikut gatau siapa. Yang jelas Kelly admitted that she had bad relationship with her father, and never called him again for few years.
Cerita masa lalu Kelly emang sedih dan sempet Kelly tuangin (kopi kali) ke lagunya yang populer, Because of You. Nah, lagu Piece by Piece ini punya makna yang sama kaya Because of You, bisa dibilang sekuelnya, but with Happy Ending. Coba simak liriknya, dan kalo memungkinkan, bakal saya pahami biar kerasa feelnya.

And all I remember is your back
Walking towards the airport, leaving us all in your past
I traveled fifteen hundred miles to see you
Begged you to want me, but you didn't want to

But piece by piece he collected me
Up off the ground where you abandoned things, yeah
Piece by piece he filled the holes
That you burned in me at six years old
And you know,
He never walks away
He never asks for money,
He takes care of me
He loves me
Piece by piece he restored my faith
That a man can be kind and a father could... stay

And all of your words fall flat
I made something of myself and now you wanna come back
But your love—it isn't free, it has to be earned
Back then I didn't have anything you needed so I was worthless

But piece by piece he collected me
Up off the ground, where you abandoned things, yeah
Piece by piece he filled the holes
That you burned in me at six years old
And you know,
He never walks away
He never asks for money,
He takes care of me
'Cause he loves me
Piece by piece he restored my faith
That a man can be kind and a father could stay

Piece by piece [6x]

Piece by piece I fell far from the tree
I will never leave her like you left me
And she will never have to wonder her worth
Because unlike you I'm going to put her first
And you know,
He'll never walk away,
He'll never break her heart
He'll take care of things,
He'll love her
And piece by piece he'll restore my faith
That a man can be kind and a father should be great

Piece by piece [3x]

Di verse pertama dan kedua (sebelum reff) Kelly cerita kalau ayahnya abandoned her, mulai dari pergi ninggalin keluarga, perpisahan mereka di bandara. Trus Kelly bela-belain pergi bermil-mil jauhnya buat liat bapaknya eh bapaknya malah gamau liat dia. Sampai Kelly udh gede pun bapaknya tetep ga nganggep Kelly, admitted that Kelly ga punya sesuatu yang worth makanya bapaknya ga nganggep dia apa-apa. Sedih ga? Apa saya yang ceritanya kurang sedih?. Nah pas di reff, ada contrary antara reff dan verse, di Reff Kelly cerita kalau dia sudah menemukan ‘right man’ yaitu suaminya yang jadi imam hidupnya (bhaaaak) yang ga pernah ninggalin dia ama anaknya, yang ga sepertinya bapaknya dulu. Intinya, suaminya itu ‘a father that should be great’.

Ada 3 versi buat lagu ini, Versi album, single ama idol. Buat versi yang album, ini versi yang pertama keluar dan sedikit ngebeat pop rock ala-ala Kelly, enak sih kerasa emosinya apalagi ada background2 opera string begitu. Trus muncul versi single yang Radio mix. Ini versi paling aneh, beatnya ala-ala EDM gitu. Emosi yang disampein di lagu ini malah jadi luntur kaya nyuci baju item pake pemutih. Worst version ajalah. Nah buat versi yang Idol memang versi favorit, just accompanied by piano as background instrument. It shows Kelly’s vulnerability and showcase her emotion on this song. Ampe juri-juri Idol aja ampe mewek kabeh.
Okeh sekian saya juga pegel ngetiknya. Bye.


  1. love this song, especially the idol version

  2. suka lagu ini cm versi idol aja, yg versi lain kurang cocok sama lagunya karena emang lagunya bikin mewek
